This is just a walls, floor and ceiling layout of the first level modeled after the actual Wolf3D game... This is just a navigable concept level of 64x64 tiles... just to see how N7 copes performance wise...
I will probably use a different tileset for the complete game (assuming I can get that far... lol)... It would be a good idea not to step on Apogee's toes... lol
Of course, the usual constructive criticisms and suggestions, are always welcome....
ps: I modified the display to "double" for "my" screen. Edit as you see fit...
(04-27-2024, 02:27 AM)johnno56 Wrote: [ -> ]This is just a walls, floor and ceiling layout of the first level modeled after the actual Wolf3D game... This is just a navigable concept level of 64x64 tiles...
click the image to zoom - in
Hi, the rooms are very big. It's great. I can't imagine how hard to make it manually on notepad with just 1 and 0 ...
Just an idea, how about if you add something like a little guide green map ...
' Generate little guide map.
map = []
map.img = 0
map.scale = 2
create image map.img,*map.scale,*map.scale
set image map.img
set color 0,50,0; cls
for z = 0 to - 1
for x = 0 to - 1
if w3d.Wall(x, z) > 0 then
set color 0,255,0
draw rect x*map.scale, z*map.scale, map.scale, map.scale, true
set image primary
'Display green map, white player
x = width(primary)-width(map.img)-10
y = height(primary)-height(map.img)-110
set color 255,255,255
draw image map.img, x, y
draw rect x + int(ply.x*map.scale) - 1, y + int(ply.z*map.scale) - 1, map.scale, map.scale, true
fwait 60
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
Mini-map? Cool idea...
The rooms are big because the rooms in the original game were big... There is still very much to do before it is actually playable... Doors; decorations; push-walls; collectables (treasure, health and ammo) not to mention enemies and their movements; sounds; music; scoreing etc.... Oh the list goes on... But, I do like the mini-map... brilliant idea

Nice! This brings back memories ... Memories of me having an Amiga and being jealous of PC players, first because of Wolfenstein and then because of Doom. Possibly Doom killed the Amiga