01-19-2024, 10:02 PM
Small update, just a new function (but a fun one) and some more examples: https://naalaa.com/n7/N7_240119.zip
An example of the 'createsound' function, create_sound.n7, can be found under examples/help. As with all other commands and functions you can write 'createsound' in NED, put the caret somewhere in the function name, and press F1 to see the syntax and F1 again to load an example in a new tab.
In create_sound.n7 I've implemented three helper functions to create noise sounds (for explosions, guns etc) and sine wave and square wave sounds (useful for simple beeps, boops and boings). 'createsound' itself only takes 3 parameters: an array with data for the left channel, an array with data for the right channel and a sample rate.
- Added the 'createsound' function and 'create sound' command
- Added the game Space Race (spacerace.n7) and Bomb Sweeper (bomb_sweeper.n7) to the examples/other folder
An example of the 'createsound' function, create_sound.n7, can be found under examples/help. As with all other commands and functions you can write 'createsound' in NED, put the caret somewhere in the function name, and press F1 to see the syntax and F1 again to load an example in a new tab.
In create_sound.n7 I've implemented three helper functions to create noise sounds (for explosions, guns etc) and sine wave and square wave sounds (useful for simple beeps, boops and boings). 'createsound' itself only takes 3 parameters: an array with data for the left channel, an array with data for the right channel and a sample rate.
' create_sound.n7
' ---------------
' Create some sound effects. Look at the implementations of CreateSineSfx, CreateSquareSfx and
' CreateNoiseSfx to see how 'createsound' works.
sampleRate = 11025
explosionSnd = CreateNoiseSfx(0.6, 0.9, 0, sampleRate)
laserShotSnd = CreateSquareSfx(0.25, 500, 100, 0.75, sampleRate)
jumpSnd = CreateSineSfx(0.2, 50, 600, 0.9, sampleRate)
pickupSnd = CreateSineSfx(0.1, 1500, 1500, 0.2, sampleRate)
gunShotSnd = CreateNoiseSfx(0.2, 1.2, 0, sampleRate)
' Create a window and output some info.
set window "Create sound", 640, 480
wln "1 - Explosion"
wln "2 - Laser shot"
wln "3 - Jump"
wln "4 - Pickup"
wln "5 - Gun shot"
' Loop until user presses escape.
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
' Use the numeric keys to play different sound effects.
if keydown(KEY_1, true) play sound explosionSnd
if keydown(KEY_2, true) play sound laserShotSnd
if keydown(KEY_3, true) play sound jumpSnd
if keydown(KEY_4, true) play sound pickupSnd
if keydown(KEY_5, true) play sound gunShotSnd
' Sleep some.
wait 16
' CreateSineSfx
' -------------
' Create a sine wave sound effect. 'duration' is the duration of the sound in seconds. 'startFreq'
' is the frequency at the start of the effect and 'endFreq' is the frequency at the end. You can
' use different values of 'startFreq' and 'endFreq' to create slide effects. 'fadeOut' determines
' when/if the sound should start fading out. If 'fadeOut' is 0, the fade out starts immediately, and
' if it's 1 there is no fade out. 'sampleRate' (samples per second) should be in the range [8000 ..
' 22050]. N7 outputs audio at a sample rate of 22050, so higher values than that makes no sense.
function CreateSineSfx(duration, startFreq, endFreq, fadeOut, sampleRate)
data = []
a = 0
da = 2*PI*startFreq/sampleRate
dda = (2*PI*endFreq/sampleRate - 2*PI*startFreq/sampleRate)/(duration*sampleRate)
vol = 1
fadeOut = fadeOut*duration*sampleRate
fadeOutDelta = 1/(duration*sampleRate - fadeOut)
for i = 0 to duration*sampleRate - 1
data[i] = sin(a)*vol
a = a + da
da = da + dda
if i > fadeOut vol = vol - fadeOutDelta
' 'createsound(leftData, rightData, sampleRate)' creates a new sound and returns a sound id.
' 'leftData' is an array with data for the left channel and 'rightData' is for the right
' channel. The values in the arays should be in the range [-1..1]. 'sampleRate' is the number
' of samples per second, So if you want to create a sound that lasts for three seconds with a
' sample rate of 11025, the data arrays should contain 33075 (11025*3) elements each.
' You can also use 'create sound sound_id, leftData, rightData, sampleRate' if you want to
' use your own sound id.
return createsound(data, data, sampleRate)
' CreateSquareSfx
' ---------------
' Same as CreateSineSfx but using a square wave.
function CreateSquareSfx(duration, startFreq, endFreq, fadeOut, sampleRate)
data = []
a = 0
da = 2*PI*startFreq/sampleRate
dda = (2*PI*endFreq/sampleRate - 2*PI*startFreq/sampleRate)/(duration*sampleRate)
vol = 1
fadeOut = fadeOut*duration*sampleRate
fadeOutDelta = 1/(duration*sampleRate - fadeOut)
for i = 0 to duration*sampleRate - 1
' No, using sin here is stupid.
sa = sin(a)
if sa < 0 sa = -1
elseif sa > 0 sa = 1
data[i] = sa*vol
a = a + da
da = da + dda
if i > fadeOut vol = vol - fadeOutDelta
' 'createsound(leftData, rightData, sampleRate)' creates a new sound and returns a sound id.
' 'leftData' is an array with data for the left channel and 'rightData' is for the right
' channel. The values in the arays should be in the range [-1..1]. 'sampleRate' is the number
' of samples per second, So if you want to create a sound that lasts for three seconds with a
' sample rate of 11025, the data arrays should contain 33075 (11025*3) elements each.
' You can also use 'create sound sound_id, leftData, rightData, sampleRate' if you want to
' use your own sound id.
return createsound(data, data, sampleRate)
' CreateNoiseSfx
' --------------
' Create a noise sound effect. 'duration' is the duration of the sound in seconds. A 'pitch' value
' < 0 increases the lower noise frequencies, while a value > 1 increases the higher frequencies.
' 'fadeOut' determines when/if the sound should start fading out. If 'fadeOut' is 0, the fade out
' starts immediately, and if it's 1 there is no fade out. 'sampleRate' (samples per second) should
' be in the range [8000 .. 22050]. N7 outputs audio at a sample rate of 22050, so higher values than
' that makes no sense.
function CreateNoiseSfx(duration, pitch, fadeOut, sampleRate)
assert sampleRate >= 8000, "CreateBoomSfx: invalid sample rate"
assert pitch > 0, "CreateBoomSfx: invalid pitch"
' Mix four different noise frequencies weighted, in a weird way, by the pitch value.
freqs = [
[v: 0, p: sampleRate/500, d: 0, t: 0, w: pitch],
[v: 0, p: sampleRate/1000, d: 0, t: 0, w: pitch^2],
[v: 0, p: sampleRate/2000, d: 0, t: 0, w: pitch^3],
[v: 0, p: sampleRate/8000, d: 0, t: 0, w: pitch^4]]
s = sizeof(freqs)
data = []
vol = 1
fadeOut = fadeOut*duration*sampleRate
fadeOutDelta = 1/(duration*sampleRate - fadeOut)
for i = 0 to duration*sampleRate - 1
v = 0
w = 0
for j = 0 to s - 1; f = freqs[j]
f.t = f.t - 1
if f.t <= 0
f.t = f.p
f.d = ((rnd()*2 - 1) - f.v)/f.p
f.v = f.v + f.d
v = v + f.v*f.w
w = w + f.w
data[i] = vol*v/w
if i > fadeOut vol = vol - fadeOutDelta
' 'createsound(leftData, rightData, sampleRate)' creates a new sound and returns a sound id.
' 'leftData' is an array with data for the left channel and 'rightData' is for the right
' channel. The values in the arays should be in the range [-1..1]. 'sampleRate' is the number
' of samples per second, So if you want to create a sound that lasts for three seconds with a
' sample rate of 11025, the data arrays should contain 33075 (11025*3) elements each.
' You can also use 'create sound sound_id, leftData, rightData, sampleRate' if you want to
' use your own sound id.
return createsound(data, data, sampleRate)