03-02-2024, 07:24 PM
Remember something very similar from n6, some balls spinning around in space.
' balls.n7
' --------
include "list.n7"
set window "Balls", 640, 480
set redraw off
balls = List()
for z = -2 to 2 for y = -2 to 2 for x = -2 to 2 balls.Add(Ball(x, y, z))
additiveMode = false
a1 = 0; a2 = 0; az = 0
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
if keydown(KEY_SPACE, true) additiveMode = not additiveMode
a1 = (a1 + 0.02)%(PI*2)
a2 = (a2 + 0.013)%(PI*2)
az = (az + 0.009)%(PI*2)
for i = 0 to balls.size - 1
ball = balls[i]
ball.px = ball.x; ball.py = ball.y; ball.pz = ball.z
x = ball.px*cos(a1) - ball.py*sin(a1); y = ball.py*cos(a1) + ball.px*sin(a1)
ball.px = x; ball.py = y
z = ball.pz*cos(a2) - ball.py*sin(a2); y = ball.py*cos(a2) + ball.pz*sin(a2)
ball.pz = z; ball.py = y
ball.pz = ball.pz + 5.5 + sin(az)*0.5
ball.px = 320 + 200*ball.px/ball.pz; ball.py = 240 + 200*ball.py/ball.pz
balls.SortByField("pz", balls.DESCENDING)
set color 0, 0, 0, 64
set additive additiveMode
for i = 0 to balls.size - 1
s = 100/balls[i].pz
intens = 255 - (balls[i].pz - 1)*50
set color intens/2, intens/2, intens/2
draw ellipse balls[i].px, balls[i].py, s, s, true
set color intens*0.75, intens*0.75, intens*0.75
draw ellipse balls[i].px - s*0.4, balls[i].py - s*0.4, s*0.25, s*0.25, true
set additive false
set color 255, 255, 255
set caret width(primary)/2, 480 - fheight()*2
center "Press spacebar to toggle additive drawing"
fwait 60
function Ball(x, y, z)
return [x: x, y: y, z: z, px: 0, py: 0, pz: 0]