Santa by Marcus - johnno56 - 11-16-2024
Here is a blast from the past (2017) Almost seasonal... how coincidental... lol (Size: 3.8 KB / Downloads: 5)
RE: Santa by Marcus - 1micha.elok - 11-16-2024
(11-16-2024, 04:32 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Here is a blast from the past (2017) Almost seasonal... how coincidental... lol
I am waiting for the N7 version, too
RE: Santa by Marcus - Marcus - 11-17-2024
(11-16-2024, 04:58 AM)1micha.elok Wrote: (11-16-2024, 04:32 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Here is a blast from the past (2017) Almost seasonal... how coincidental... lol
I am waiting for the N7 version, too
Here you go, a quick conversion (but ... didn't someone already port this?):
Code: ' ==============================================================================
' Santa, by Marcus 2017.
' Santa sprite by gamesbyangelina,, found at
' ==============================================================================
' Import libraries.
'import "Speed.lib"
'import "Keycodes.lib"
' Constants.
' We declare out image identifiers as constants for clarity.
' Max live fallers (snowflakes and presents).
' Max live snow particles.
' MAX_SNOW 128
constant MAX_FALLERS = 64, MAX_SNOW = 128
' Set up window and turn off automatic redraw.
'set window 64, 64, 160, 120, false, 4
set window "Santa's Crush", 160, 120, false, 4
set redraw off
' Load images.
'load image IMG_SANTA, "assets/santa.png"
'set image grid IMG_SANTA, 8, 2
'load image IMG_SNOWFLAKE, "assets/snowflake.png"
'load image IMG_PRESENT, "assets/present.png"
'load image IMG_GROUND, "assets/ground.png"
santaImage = loadimage("assets/santa.png", 8, 2)
snowflakeImage = loadimage("assets/snowflake.png")
presentImage = loadimage("assets/present.png")
groundImage = loadimage("assets/ground.png")
' Santa's variables.
santaX = (width(primary) - width(santaImage))/2
santaY = height(primary) - height(groundImage) - height(santaImage)
santaBaseFrame = 0
santaFrame = 0
santaFrameTimer = 0
' Falling things.
'for i = 0 to MAX_FALLERS - 1
' Set the img field to 0, indicating that it's not a live faller.
' fallers[i].img = 0
fallers = fill([img: 0], MAX_FALLERS)
fallTimer = 60*2
fallDelay = 60*2
fallDelayTimer = 0
' Falling snow, just a visual effect.
'for i = 0 to MAX_SNOW - 1
' snow[i].x = rnd(width(primary))
' snow[i].y = rnd(height(primary))
' snow[i].spd = 1 + rnd(2)
' snow[i].a# = float(rnd(360))
snow = dim(MAX_SNOW)
for i = 0 to MAX_SNOW - 1
snow[i] = [x: rnd(width(primary)), y: rnd(height(primary)), spd: 1 + rnd(2), a: rnd(360)]
' Game.
score = 0
gameOver = false
' Game loop.
' Update game logic --------------------------------------------------------
' Santa.
' Walk left?
if keydown(KEY_LEFT)
' Let santaFrame cycle in the range [0..4] if santaFrameTimer = 0.
if santaFrameTimer = 0 then santaFrame = (santaFrame + 1)%5
' Move left, stop at screen edge.
santaX = max(santaX - 1, 0)
' Set base frame to 8. That's the first cell in the sprite sheet where
' Santa's turned right.
santaBaseFrame = 8
' Walk right?
elseif keydown(KEY_RIGHT)
' Let santaFrame cycle in the range [0..4] if santaFrameTimer = 0.
if santaFrameTimer = 0 then santaFrame = (santaFrame + 1)%5
' Move right, stop at screen edge.
santaX = min(santaX + 1, width(primary) - width(santaImage))
' Set base frame to 0. That's the first cell in the sprite sheet where
' Santa's turned left.
santaBaseFrame = 0
' Not moving.
' Set santaFrame to 0.
santaFrame = 0
' Let santaFrameTimer cycle in the range [0..3].
santaFrameTimer = (santaFrameTimer + 1)%4
' Fallers.
' Time for a new faller?
fallTimer = fallTimer - 1
if fallTimer <= 0
' Set time until next faller.
fallTimer = fallDelay + rnd(30)
' Find an unused object in the faller array.
for i = 0 to MAX_FALLERS - 1
if fallers[i].img = 0 then break
' Did we find one?
' One out of 3 fallers should be a present.
if rnd(3) = 0
fallers[i].img = presentImage
fallers[i].img = snowflakeImage
' Position.
fallers[i].x = rnd(width(primary) - width(fallers[i].img))
fallers[i].y = -height(fallers[i].img)
' Speed.
if fallDelay < 10
fallers[i].spd = 1 + rnd(2)
fallers[i].spd = 1
' Decrease the delay between fallers once every second second, making the
' game go harder and harder.
fallDelayTimer = (fallDelayTimer + 1)%120
if fallDelayTimer = 0
fallDelay = max(fallDelay - 3, 0)
' Update active fallers.
for i = 0 to MAX_FALLERS - 1
if fallers[i].img > 0
' Move down.
fallers[i].y = fallers[i].y + fallers[i].spd
' Out of screen?
if fallers[i].y > height(primary)
' Remove by setting the img field to 0.
fallers[i].img = 0
' Collision with player?
if ImageCol(santaImage, santaX, santaY, fallers[i].img, fallers[i].x, fallers[i].y)
' Present?
if fallers[i].img = presentImage
fallers[i].img = 0
score = score + 10
' Snowflake.
gameOver = true
' Update falling snow.
for i = 0 to MAX_SNOW - 1
snow[i].y = snow[i].y + snow[i].spd
'snow[i].a = snow[i].a + 2.0
'if snow[i].a > 360.0 then snow[i].a = snow[i].a - 360.0
snow[i].a = (snow[i].a + 2)%360
if snow[i].y > height(primary)
snow[i].y = 0
snow[i].x = rnd(width(primary))
' Draw ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Make the background blue.
set color 64, 64, 128
set color 255, 255, 255
' Draw Santa.
draw image santaImage, santaX, santaY, santaBaseFrame + santaFrame
' Draw fallers.
for i = 0 to MAX_FALLERS - 1
if fallers[i].img > 0
draw image fallers[i].img, fallers[i].x, fallers[i].y
' Draw falling snow.
for i = 0 to MAX_SNOW - 1
draw pixel snow[i].x + int(sin(rad(snow[i].a))*8.0), snow[i].y
' Draw ground.
set color 255, 255, 255
draw image groundImage, 0, height(primary) - height(groundImage)
' Write score.
set caret width(primary)/2, 2
center "SCORE"
center score
' Copy backbuffer to the window.
' Lock FPS at 60.
'_SPD_HoldFrame 60
fwait 60
until gameOver or keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
' Game over?
if gameOver
set color 0, 0, 0, 128
set caret width(primary)/2, (height(primary) - fheight(0))/2
set color 255, 0, 0
center "GAME OVER!"
wait 2000
' ==============================================================================
' Return true if the images intersect.
' ==============================================================================
function ImageCol(img1, x1, y1, img2, x2, y2)
if x1 > x2 + width(img2) or x1 + width(img1) < x2 then return false
if y1 > y2 + height(img2) or y1 + height(img1) < y2 then return false
return true
But it's time to write a new Christmas game, isn't it? Should it be a platformer, a puzzle game or a first person shooter this year?
RE: Santa by Marcus - 1micha.elok - 11-17-2024
(11-17-2024, 06:45 AM)Marcus Wrote: ...
But it's time to write a new Christmas game, isn't it? Should it be a platformer, a puzzle game or a first person shooter this year?
I may request a N7 game for this Chiristmas, is it really ?
I wish I could have a kind of
1. Karateka (1980s, created by Jordan Mechner)
2. Street Fighter
Thank you in advance !
RE: Santa by Marcus - Marcus - 11-17-2024
(11-17-2024, 09:28 AM)1micha.elok Wrote: (11-17-2024, 06:45 AM)Marcus Wrote: ...
But it's time to write a new Christmas game, isn't it? Should it be a platformer, a puzzle game or a first person shooter this year?
I may request a N7 game for this Chiristmas, is it really ?
I wish I could have a kind of
1. Karateka (1980s, created by Jordan Mechner)
2. Street Fighter
Thank you in advance !
I think I played a version of Karateka on NES. I had a cartridge with 31 games (pirate stuff) and Karateka was one of them.
If I had to make a fighting game, I think I'd prefer something like double dragon, streets of rage or golden axe
RE: Santa by Marcus - aurel - 11-17-2024
why not comedy game...
RE: Santa by Marcus - Marcus - 11-18-2024
(11-17-2024, 04:13 PM)aurel Wrote: why not comedy game...
You mean like Monkey Island or Larry? Those were awesome?
RE: Santa by Marcus - johnno56 - 11-18-2024
Guybrush Threepwood rules!