Snowflakes - Marcus - 12-09-2023
Here are some spare snowflakes, plenty of them in Sweden!
Something very similar was written in n6 many years ago.
Code: ' Snowflakes
' ----------
include "list.n7"
constant BG_R = 16, BG_G = 24, BG_B = 64
set window "Snowflakes", 480*screenw()/screenh(), 480, true
set redraw off
snowflakeImage = loadimage("snowflake.png")
stars = List()
for i = 1 to 200 stars.Add([x: rnd()*2 - 1, y: rnd()*2 - 1, z: 0.1 + rnd()*0.9])
set color BG_R, BG_G, BG_B
for i = 0 to stars.size - 1
s = stars[i]
s.z = s.z - 0.01
if s.z < 0.1
s.z = s.z + 0.9
s.x = rnd()*2 - 1
s.y = rnd()*2 - 1
stars.Sort(function(a, b)
return b.z - a.z
set color BG_R, BG_G, BG_B, 96
wp = width(primary)/2
hp = height(primary)/2
for i = 0 to stars.size - 1
s = stars[i]
x = wp + s.x*wp/s.z*0.75
y = hp + s.y*hp/s.z*0.75
size = 16/s.z
set color BG_R, BG_G, BG_B, s.z*255
DrawScaledImage(snowflakeImage, x - size/2, y - size/2, size, size)
fwait 60
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE) or mousebutton(0)
function DrawScaledImage(img, x, y, w, h)
du = 1/w
u = 0
for dx = 0 to w - 1
draw vraster img, x + dx, y, y + h - 1, u, 0, u, 1
u = u + du
RE: Snowflakes - johnno56 - 12-09-2023
Reminds me of a "Starfield" but with a "Christmas-y" feel... Cool... Nicely done!
RE: Snowflakes - 1micha.elok - 12-21-2023
(12-09-2023, 12:00 PM)johnno56 Wrote: Reminds me of a "Starfield" but with a "Christmas-y" feel... Cool... Nicely done!
Your wish is my command 
Here is the source code of the Starfield Simplified ...
note : Actually, it was just a modification of Marcus' Snowflakes. Thanks to Marcus 
Code: '----------------
set window "Starfleet - simplified",800,600,false
set redraw off
stars = []
for i = 0 to 199 stars[i] = [x: rnd()*2-1, y:rnd()*2-1, z:0.1+rnd()*0.9]
wp = 800/2; hp = 600/2 'center of the screen
set color 0,0,0;cls 'black
for i = 0 to 199
stars[i].z = stars[i].z - 0.01
if stars[i].z < 0.1
stars[i].z = stars[i].z + 0.9
'Coordinate (x,y) is moving from center
x = wp + stars[i].x*wp/stars[i].z
y = hp + stars[i].y*hp/stars[i].z
radius = 1/stars[i].z
set color 255,255,255 'white
draw ellipse x,y,radius,radius,1 '1=filled
fwait 60
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE) or mousebutton(0)
RE: Snowflakes - johnno56 - 12-21-2023
Very nicely done!
RE: Snowflakes - Marcus - 12-22-2023
Nice! Love programs that don't require any assets! Maybe I should write a snowflake version that also generates a random snowflake image, fractal.