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(10-21-2024, 11:37 AM)johnno56 Wrote: (10-20-2024, 11:26 AM)kevin Wrote: ... On a separate note, do you (or anyone else) have any demonstration or tips on creating one, for solving a maze (ie finding the route out of the maze) by the quickest route?
I have a BBCBasic program that generates a maze then shows how it searches the maze for the exit. I am not sure if it can be converted to N7, but if you want to try, I can post a copy.
J Hi Johnno, yes please, I would love to give it a go.....
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I think there's a maze solver (pathfinder library) included in n6. But I can't remember or check if the source code is included right now.
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10-21-2024, 06:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-21-2024, 06:41 PM by johnno56.
Edit Reason: added lol
(10-21-2024, 11:48 AM)kevin Wrote: (10-21-2024, 11:37 AM)johnno56 Wrote: (10-20-2024, 11:26 AM)kevin Wrote: ... On a separate note, do you (or anyone else) have any demonstration or tips on creating one, for solving a maze (ie finding the route out of the maze) by the quickest route?
I have a BBCBasic program that generates a maze then shows how it searches the maze for the exit. I am not sure if it can be converted to N7, but if you want to try, I can post a copy.
J Hi Johnno, yes please, I would love to give it a go.....
As you wish... (Size: 976 bytes / Downloads: 3)
(10-21-2024, 06:33 PM)Marcus Wrote: I think there's a maze solver (pathfinder library) included in n6. But I can't remember or check if the source code is included right now.
You are incorrect. There "is" a pathfinder library in N6... "Think"? pfftt... lol (Size: 4.74 KB / Downloads: 4)
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
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Thanks both, I will study both of these tomorrow......
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Tomorrow? It "is" tomorrow... Well... for those of us on "this" side of the planet... lol Have a great rest!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
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10-23-2024, 04:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2024, 04:58 AM by Marcus.)
I woke up two hours early and couldn't fall asleep again  So I did some n7 coding before work ...
Here I use the n6 path finder converted to n7 to solve mazes. I believe the original code, by John, was meant for controlling characters in top-down tilemap games by clicking with the mouse. So the "optimizations" (search order in FindPathRec) probably just slows things down in mazes like these.
Code: set window "maze", 320, 240, false, 2
set redraw off
randomize time()
' Generate maze and convert to a suitable format.
maze = GenerateMaze(24, 24)
map = fill([wall: true], sizeof(maze)*2 + 1, sizeof(maze[0])*2 + 1)
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1 for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
map[x*2 + 1][y*2 + 1].wall = false
if maze[x][y].l = true map[x*2][y*2 + 1].wall = false
if maze[x][y].u = true map[x*2 + 1][y*2].wall = false
' Display the map.
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
side = 4
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1 for y = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1
dx = x*side; dy = y*side
if map[x][y].wall draw rect x*side, y*side, side, side, true
' Find a path from top left to bottom right corner. FindPath returns an array of objects with x
' and y fields.
path = FindPath(map, 1, 1, sizeof(map) - 2, sizeof(map[0]) - 2)
' Display solution. Let d be an index for the path array, increase it by one every frame.
d = 0
set color 0, 128, 200
while not mousebutton(0, true)
' Draw current step in the path.
if d < sizeof(path)
draw rect path[d].x*side, path[d].y*side, side, side, true
d = d + 1
fwait 30
' FindPath
' --------
' Find path in map from (srcX, srcY) to (dstX, dstY) as an array of objects with x and y fields. If
' no path could be found, an empty array is returned. The map must be a 2d array, map[x][y], where
' each element is an object with a wall field that tells whether the position is blocked or not.
function FindPath(map, srcX, srcY, dstX, dstY)
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1 for y = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1 map[x][y].dist = unset
result = []
FindPathRec(map, srcX, srcY, dstX, dstY, 0, result)
return result
' FindPathRec
' -----------
function FindPathRec(map, x, y, dstX, dstY, distance, result)
if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(map) return false
if y < 0 or y >= sizeof(map[0]) return false
if map[x][y].wall return false
if typeof(map[x][y].dist) and map[x][y].dist <= distance return false
map[x][y].dist = distance
if x = dstX and y = dstY
clear result
result[distance] = [x: x, y: y]
return true
dx = dstX - x
dy = dstY - y
if |dx| > |dy|
if dx < 0
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dy < 0
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dy < 0
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dy < 0
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dx < 0
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dx < 0
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if resLeft or resRight or resUp or resDown
result[distance] = [x: x, y: y]
return true
return false
function GenerateMaze(w, h)
maze = fill([vis: false, dead: false, l: false, r: false, u: false, d: false], w, h)
GenerateMazeRec(maze, rnd(sizeof(maze)), rnd(sizeof(maze[0])), 0)
return maze
function GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y, dir)
if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(maze) or y < 0 or y >= sizeof(maze[0]) return false
if maze[x][y].vis return false
maze[x][y].vis = true
if dir = 1
maze[x][y].r = true
maze[x + 1][y].l = true
elseif dir = 2
maze[x][y].l = true
maze[x - 1][y].r = true
elseif dir = 3
maze[x][y].d = true
maze[x][y + 1].u = true
elseif dir = 4
maze[x][y].u = true
maze[x][y - 1].d = true
visit = [1, 2, 3, 4]
count = 0
while sizeof(visit)
index = rnd(sizeof(visit))
if visit[index] = 1 count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x - 1, y, 1)
elseif visit[index] = 2 count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x + 1, y, 2)
elseif visit[index] = 3 count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y - 1, 3)
else count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y + 1, 4)
free key visit, index
maze[x][y].dead = count = 0
return true
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Many thanks - I started to look at this, and Johnno's BBC Basic example, yesterday, but:
- the BBC Basic lost me very quickly (I've never looked at BBC Basic before)
- the pathfinder library in N6 just left me realizing how much I have forgotten about N6 - pretty much everything 
All the best - Kevin
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Yeah... I had the same reaction to BBC... Most of the Basic is fairly straight forward, but the way it handles arrays(?) has me totally confused... but, then again, it doesn't take much for that to happen... lol I am still learning N7 (and a little of N6 as well)... Same here... I forget stuff pretty easily too... lol
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.